Sunday, 5 April 2015

Change Readiness: DVF > R

Why don’t some people want to change? Even when ‘we’ know things can be improved, often dramatically, we still seem to puzzle with those that seem less enthused.

And of course, we never truly know what drives the behaviours, unless they tell us. But that doesn’t happen particularly often in the work environment.

So, what can we do?

This is a particularly useful little tool that may just help ‘oil the cogs’ of change, and help you appreciate what might be happening to the people you’re working with.

To overcome Resistenance to change - R - we need to: 
D - understand how Dissatisfied they are with the current state - where is their pain? 
V - paint a clear Vision of the future - what does “good” look like? 
F - prepare the First steps - even Everest is climbed with just one step at a time.

Although as consultant you may never explicitly state this equation, helping your change sponsor / leader / CEO understand these key areas is vital if change is going to happen. It’s all part of change readiness - and all part of the initial relationship building around “What’s really happening in your business?"